Thursday 28 September 2017

Our first month together


We've had a great start to the year! We've been learning about patterns, magnets, and prairie communities. 

Wednesday 26 April 2017

April activities

April has been a fun month. We enjoyed learning with Mme Marinette. We had Tara, a process engineer, come and talk to us about Boats and Buoyancy. We also got to try out BeeBots and Virtual Reality goggles. The past couple of days we have been testing and modifying our boats.

Click here for more pictures of April fun! 

Friday 3 March 2017

Dr. Seuss week

We had so much fun celebrating Dr.Seuss this week. "My name is Pam. I do not like green eggs and ham."

On Monday we read Happy Birthday to You! to celebrate Danika's birthday. On Tuesday we read Green Eggs and Ham. We also made green eggs and observed the affect that heat had on a runny egg.

On Wednesday things got a little wacky. When we arrived at school, our shoes and hoodies were strewn all over. Even the numbers on our calendar were mixed up. Wacky Wednesday sure was a fun read! 

On Thursday we read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.  We ended the week with a book chosen by the class: Fox in Socks. Did I ever have my tongue twisting work cut out for me. We have one more book to read on Monday. I'm sure you'll hear all about it!

Thursday 16 February 2017

Happy 100th Birthday...I mean Happy 100th day of school! We dressed up like we were 100 years. old. We also timed ourselves to see how many exercises we could do in 100 seconds. We wrote about what it would be like to be 100, and we made a 100 day craft. 

Monday 13 February 2017

Arctic Animals

My dad and Auntie came and visited today. They brought some Arctic animals with them. An  Arctic fox, a wolf, a black bear (not from the Arctic), a snowy owl, and a polar bear all made an appearance.
Click here to see more adventures from today! 

-What animals did you see?
-Which animal was the biggest?
-How come the polar bear has red eyes? (They protect him from the sun kind of like sunglasses)
-How come animals have white fur in the winter? 
-What does camouflage mean?
-What do wolves eat?
-What do Polar bears eat?
-Which was the most interesting animal and why?

Saturday 4 February 2017

Inuit presentation

We learned so much from Goota, an Inuit and guest speaker, today. She shared pictures, artifacts, stories and food. Be sure to ask your child what kind of food they got to try today. You can also ask them about:-traditional housing in the summer and the winter
-how they make a fire
-how they carry their children/babies
It was a very insightful presentation. She also touched on residential schools and told the students that children were separated from their parents and sent off to schools. They were told never to speak Inuktitut or talk about their traditions. This is a part of our Canadian history and it was presented in a language appropriate to grade 2. Having said that, I would highly encourage you to ask your child about the presentation and see if they have any questions. Some questions that might prompt some discussions:
What's one thing you learned about the Inuit culture?
What would be a challenge living in the arctic?
What's something interesting you saw or heard today?
Do you have any other questions about Inuits or the presentation you heard today? 

Click here for more pictures